Why do you cut dry?

Drycutting is beneficial for so many reasons, the list could truly go on and on! However, we’re going to list some of the top reasons we believe drycutting is the way to go:

Everything is Heavier When It’s Wet:

Consider how clothes become heavier when wet, hanging differently until they dry and regain their shape. Hair behaves similarly. Cutting it when dry allows us to see where it will fall naturally, ensuring no surprises.

Sculptural Approach that is Customized:

Dry cutting takes a sculptural approach, working with the hair in dimensions rather than just following lines. This method allows us to sense variations in hair density, natural bounce, and adjust accordingly.

Cutting the Hair Where It Lives:

Everyone has a unique cowlick, swirl, or natural parting. Dry cutting enables us to observe and work with these natural patterns, ensuring the haircut looks amazing outside the salon with minimal styling.

Ability to Color Hair Specifically for the Haircut:

Why color hair and then cut it off? Dry cutting allows us to curate color, highlights, and lowlights in harmony with the haircut. This ensures the ultimate complementary pairing without compromising on texture or style or those beautiful, bright ends. 

Last but Not Least, Cadence:

The rhythmic flow of cut, color, processing time, a relaxing wash with a head massage, and finishing with a blowout creates a smooth and calming experience. The cadence of these steps just works seamlessly.

Curious if a drycut is for you? Book a consultation or just give it a try!


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